Finally, another update on Woman in Mind. The poster is out and being distributed around Reading and the surrounding area. Hopefully someone has seen it. It certainly seems to have prompted a few ticket sales, so make sure to book yours soon.
Meanwhile, back at the theatre, Martin and Rik have demolished the front half of the stage and rebuilt it again to house my swimming pool - yes there's going to be an onstage swimming pool. Can't wait to see the finished thing and good to have some people who know what they're doing working on my set.
Rehearsals are going brilliantly, too, with the "script-down-hiatus" ending remarkably quickly and all the cast on track. I'm amazed how well they've all done, this mix of old hands and people completely new to the stage. Hopefully they'll all impress the audiences equally and they deserve any praise they happen to receive with the hard work they've put into this surprisingly tricksy play.