Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Auditions for Going Postal

Auditions for ‘Going Postal’ by Terry Pratchett adapted by Stephen Briggs are to be held on Sunday 1st November at 2.30pm and Wednesday 4th November at 7.30pm at Progress theatre.

Performance dates are 28th Jan – 6th Feb with two matinees.

There is a very wide variety of roles for both adults and young people. Auditions are open to everyone. Come along and have a go, what have you got to lose!

See progresstheatre.co.uk for more details.

Coming up …
The next production at Progress is ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ by William Shakespeare. 25th November to 5th December 2009. Watch this space for a behind the scenes look at the costumes.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Fourth Writefest

Performance dates on Thursday 22nd October to Saturday 24th October 2009

Doors open at 7:15pm, Performance starts 7:45pm.

Normal ticket prices £7 (no concessions)

An evening of nine new plays from writers all around the country featuring comedy, drama and a little absurdity.

From a teenager's first kiss to a woman with a past via a landlord with a tale to tell and an elevator with a story, this promises to be a highly entertaining evening with something for everyone.

This is the fourth time we have presented new writing in this format at Progress Theatre. This year Write Fest is being produced by Christine Moran, herself a local playwright and founder member of the thriving Progress Writers' Group.

Writers from all around the country were invited to submit work for inclusion in Write Fest, which attracted a large number of entries. It was challenging process to select just nine short pieces to perform, and the final choice includes five by local writers, some members of Progress Writers' Group, and four from further a field.

Write Fest has always proven to be a very popular and entertaining evening in the past, and this year will be no exception, with comedy, drama, pathos and more comedy! Book your seats early so you don't miss out!!

Tickets available from Reading Arts Box Office on 0118 960 6060,
in person at the Hexagon or the Old Town Hall

Book on-line anytime at http://www.readingarts.com/othervenues/whatson

Please note that a booking fee may apply

Contact enquiries@progresstheatre.co.uk for further details