Progress Blog caught up with the cast and crew of Breathing Corpses at their first run though. The play is made up of a number of scenes in different settings and with different actors so this was the first time many of the actors had come together to rehearse.
One of the major things to sort out at this stage is how to move people and props smoothly from one scene to the next. Stage manager Emma Walsh was there taking detailed notes about exactly what needs to be moved and when. Attention to this sort of detail makes a difference to the audience’s enjoyment of the play. For example there was some discussion about what to do with the lid from a box of Celebrations one of the characters opens. It was decided to throw it away – doing away with the need to take the lid of during the scene and remove it at the end.
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Coming up...
Breathing Corpses by Laura Wade 6th to 11th September 2010
Auditions for 5th Writefest, Sunday 12th September 2010, 2.30 pm Progress Theatre.
Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka 11th to 16th October 2010
See Progress Theatre website for details of all our productions and auditions.