It is all in the name of art and essential to the drama of course. During the play a pornographic magazine is passed between characters and is an important part of the action. As the play is set in the 1980s the production team wanted a magazine from the right period. We like to recycle props at Progress so they were pleased to find that a period porn mag had been purchased for the recent production of Teechers.
Liz is one of the people responsible for Progress's 'body of persons' licence, giving us permission to produce plays with young actors. In this role she thought she ought to check that the magazine was suitable to be shown to a young person. It didn't take her long to decide that it certainly wasn't.
She then bought a celebrity gossip magazine that was the right size and put it inside the cover of the porn mag. This solved the problem of the unsuitable material but now there was a problem of authenticity. As the magazine is passed around the stage it is likely that audience members near the front would be able to see that it was not what it claimed to be. So stage two involved Liz trawling the Sun's website to find photos of their 'Golden Girls' - page 3 photos from the 1980s. She then printed these and stuck them in her magazine.
Liz reading an (undoctored) vintage TV Times. |
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Coming up...
Enjoy by Alan Bennett 6th - 11th June 2011
Progress Youth Theatre Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas 4th - 11 July 2011
Open air production The Tempest by William Shakespeare 23rd - 30th July 2011
See Progress Theatre website for details of all our productions and auditions.