Progress Blog is off for a summer break for the next couple of weeks. That doesn't mean that there isn't a lot still going on at the theatre. Rehearsals are well under way for our next show Proof and there is still time to audition for The 39 Steps on Sunday 7th August at 2pm.
We'll be back soon to let you in on what is going on behind the scenes at the Proof rehearsals.
If you are interested in what goes on at Progress Theatre then sign up to this blog. Enter your email in the box under ‘about us’ and click on subscribe. New postings are made weekly so you won’t be swamped with emails.
Auditions for The 39 Steps Sunday 7th August, 2pm at Progress Theatre
Proof by David Auburn September 12th - 17th 2011
Blackbird by David Harrower 17th - 22nd October 2011
See Progress Theatre website for details of all our productions and auditions.