The first in a series of blog posts from our members comes from Shona Pepper, our Graduate Intern
Welcome to my first blog post at the Progress Theatre! I’m Shona, the Progress Graduate Intern and I’m currently researching way in which the theatre can reach out to the older generation. I’ve recently graduated from the University of Reading with a BA in Film and Theatre and am very excited to have the opportunity to work in the industry so soon after graduating. Progress Theatre has begun to realise that there is ample opportunity to extend their services, in the way of workshops or performances to the older generation. I think this is a brilliant idea, as much of the research I have already done has shown that there is a limited number of activities in the Berkshire area, (particularly those who don’t drive or are confident using public transport on their own) and this is something I am very happy to try and change!
The project as it stands is very much in its early stages and I am currently doing as much research as I can to find out what ways that we, as a theatre, can create events, specifically catering for the tastes and need of those who are unable to get to the theatre independently. I am currently looking at a range of different activities, such as, creating play reading groups (perhaps also exploring scenes or plays either practically or verbally), workshops on different aspects of the theatre (for example – set design, costume, lighting, writing, or directing), giving the older generation the opportunity to write plays based on recollections or memories (potentially to be performed by the theatre), or for them to become a regular attendee at performances at a time suitable for the majority.
One factor that has become apparent is that the research and outputs from this project could have equal relevance to other groups, particularly adults with learning and other disabilities. As such, whilst my research is primarily focussed on the older community, I am also exploring the extent to which the kinds of things which are of interest to this group could also be tailored to other groups. While the research is currently very broad, we hope that once we have successfully trialled a few things with the older community, we can start to also look at trials with other groups too.
On behalf of the theatre I am also trying to emphasise the ways in which we can adapt and allow the potential activities to be sympathetic to disabilities, such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s, so that if possible we can incorporate practical activities for the less mobile attendees so that everyone can have the opportunity to get involved. (At this point I should really thank my Grandma Catherine, who has been the guinea-pig for most of the ideas, particularly the ones involved around memory. She has Dementia and none-the-less has enjoyed the opportunity to tell many stories about herself as she can, including many comical ones during her time running her own hotel on the seafront!)
Bearing in mind Progress is a charity with limited resources, I’m also looking into several funding avenues that could prove useful for either bringing people into the theatre for workshops etc, or for taking members of Progress out to groups. This can hopefully provide those who struggle with lack of transport the opportunity to engage with the theatre and not miss out on what will hopefully be a great opportunity!
The next part of my research is to conduct focus groups or one to one chats with potential attendees so that we can really look into exactly what our target audience are interesting in coming and getting involved in. In the next few weeks, I am aiming to come out and meet the residents in residential homes, library groups and other care facilities and find out who would be interested and what sort of things we can organise and Progress can offer.
After we have reviewed the research, we are hoping to arrange opportunities to trial different workshops/performances/events so that we can establish the best type of event to pursue. I am currently handing out surveys to collect this information, please email to request a copy if you are happy to fill one out.
If you are a member of a local church group, care home, local councils, or day centre etc., and would either like to get involved, offer advice or fill in a survey for the project, please contact us via Shona Pepper, 07732332337,
Keep an eye out for more information on news on our project development!