Sunday, 20 July 2014

Love's Labour's Lost ...And Won, First Night Nerves

This year's open air Shakespeare Love's Labour's Lost... And Won opened last Wednesday at Caversham Court Gardens. I was helping on the box-office that night so got a good view of the first night nerves - I'm talking about the production crew, I'm sure the actors were all fine.

Getting ready for the audience (photo Richard Brown)

For the first time this year we are able to take payment by card on the night. It is a mobile phone based app rather than the usual card machine so box office manager Heather was slightly anxious about using it for the first time. She was very relieved that the first customers were friends of hers and willing to act as card using guinea pigs.

There is a 'Bard's Bar' available for audience to buy drinks before the show or during the interval and bar managers Helen and Tony were busy trying to attach bunting advertising the availability of Pimms.

There are seven front of house stewards needed every night, in addition to the box office and bar volunteers. The steward slots are filled by a mixture of Progress members and Friends of Caversham Court Gardens. The job of training them all every night falls to front of house manager Stuart. He has to ensure that they are aware of all the safety procedures and are happy with selling programmes, hiring chairs and guiding the audience in the dark.

I don't know if site manager Laura had first night nerves as she was too busy rushing about ensuring everything was running smoothly for me to ask. I did hear the handheld radio's go off several times with the inevitable question "is Laura there?"

Love's Labour's Lost... And Won runs until next Saturday 26th July and has been getting good revues like this one from Get Reading here. You can enjoy the evening safe in the knowledge that you can buy your ticket by card, get a Pimms and hire a chair - everything is under control.

If you are interested in what goes on at Progress Theatre then sign up to this blog. Enter your email in the box under ‘about us’ and click on subscribe. New postings are made weekly so you won’t be swamped with emails. 

Reading Open Air Love's Labour's Lost... And Won –  at Caversham Court Gardens

Auditions for Noises Off by Michael Frayn Sunday 27th July 2.30pm or Monday 28th July 7.30pm 

Full details about out theatre and all our activities can be found on our website.

Monday, 14 July 2014

The Roses of Eyam backstage

During the dress rehearsal for Roses of Eyam I went backstage to talk to some of the young actors. I found Poppy going over her lines in the dressing room while waiting to go on stage.

The busy cluttered dressing room will be familiar to any reader who has performed at Progress (or any other theatre I'm sure). While there will be a tidy up session before the performance, with nineteen actors sharing the limited backstage space a certain amount of  chaos is inevitable. Performers have to be very disciplined about hanging up costumes and putting vital props somewhere safe. This can be difficult with quick changes and there will probably be several moments of panic during any show while an actor frantically searches for a missing shoe or cloak (and I'm not just talking about youth theatre productions!)

When putting on a show with anyone under sixteen there are legal restrictions on the number of rehearsals and performances. This meant that the Sunday had to be kept as a rest day before the first performance on Monday so there were two dress rehearsals planned for the Saturday.

During the first rehearsal the director noticed that the bottom of the large trunk recycled from God of Carnage still needed painting (it is going from cream to black). While there were willing hands to do the painting it was quickly realised that there wouldn't be time for it to dry before the second rehearsal. Luckily there are no laws about the number of hours adults spend at the theatre so no problem with them staying late to paint after the second rehearsal.

If you are interested in what goes on at Progress Theatre then sign up to this blog. Enter your email in the box under ‘about us’ and click on subscribe. New postings are made weekly so you won’t be swamped with emails. 

Progress Youth Theatre The Roses of Eyam by Don Taylor Monday 14th July - Saturday 19th July.

Reading Open Air Love's Labour's Lost... And Won –  at Caversham Court Gardens

Auditions for Noises Off by Michael Frayn Sunday 27th July 2.30pm or Monday 28th July 7.30pm 

Full details about out theatre and all our activities can be found on our website.