Sunday, 3 May 2015

Killer Joe's Set Builder

Tony Travis fits kitchens for a living so spending the bank holiday weekend building the Killer Joe set is a bit of a bus man's holiday. The set is more than just a kitchen; it is the inside of trailer and also includes the suggestion of the roof and sides.

Tony working on the Killer Joe set

Tony doesn't only fit kitchens, he is also an electrician and a voluntary sector consultant after spending ten years as the director of a disability charity in London. He is a writer, holding an MA in writing for Television and a musician. He played bass and backing vocals in Ray Fay a new wave band in the 1980s, you can find the videos on YouTube.

He doesn't just build Progress sets he performs on them too. You can see him next month playing Jack in The Weir.

Multi-talented as he is Tony hasn't built the set all by himself. Several members of the cast and crew willingly pitched in, many sporting their Love's Labour's Lost...And Won t-shirts from last summer's outdoor production.
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