Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Writefest - Time to stop procrastinating.

It’s that creative time of year again and local playwrights, are busy with pens, pencils, laptops, chalk boards (whatever works for them) creating brand new works to submit for Progress WriteFest.

The deadline for entries has been extended to 10th May and that date is fast approaching. I, of course, am doing my usual last minute dash because I am an expert in procrastination. 

Over the years I have tried to find the answer to “How do you write a play?” and have discovered that writers approach their plays or stories in very different ways and there is no one and only way.  Some like to plot the whole piece in detail, some just plunge in, others become inspired by an idea and form their play around this, some write to a formula or get inspiration from an exercise.

Most of my plays have started with a piece of dialogue that pops into my mind and I pursue this without knowing where it is heading. I do speak out the words while I am typing and I have often shouted, screamed and cried over the keyboard before realising the window is open.

The most essential lesson I have learned and re-learned is that I do actually have to stop procrastinating and SIT DOWN AND WRITE IT.

So all you playwrights who are also experts in the procrastination game - your deadline approaches. It’s time to tidy up that baby you have been nurturing and submit it now! The run time is 10-20 mins, it should not been produced elsewhere, UK residents only. Full rules are on the website - please check before submitting.

-- Liz Carroll

To read more about The 11th Annual WriteFest, you can visit our website: http://www.progresstheatre.co.uk/get-involved/writefest