The set of Metamorphosis features a large cage that was originally built for People in Cages in 2007. It is good when parts of sets can be reused, it saves on materials and work. The cage is being adapted so that actors can climb on the top and hang from the inside of it. Mindful of health and safety the construction team have also worked out a way of cutting up mattresses and laying them out on the floor of the cage just in case anyone falls.
One aspect of putting on a production that people may not be aware of is getting the licence to perform a play. The first step is to get permission to perform it. This is usually straightforward and all that is involved is paying the nightly performance fee. Sometimes permission is not given - usually because there is a professional production on at the same time. Some licence holders also have strict rules about how the play is performed, the most common one being that none of the text should be changed. Director Joanna Rogowska cast the part of Gregor as a woman and her sister as a brother changing the names slightly to reflect the gender change. She was however told that she couldn't do that and the names had to remain as in the script. She has responded to this by keeping the name Gregor but still having the part played by a woman. This fits in with what she sees as one of the main themes of the play, the difficulty of being yourself when all the pressures are to conform and do the sensible thing.
The play has also been updated from the 1900s to modern day. This meant a few minor changes to the text, for example switching letters for emails and permission was given for this. They were also allowed to switch one of the characters from playing the violin to the saxophone as the rehearsal schedule didn't allow the actor time to learn a new instrument!
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Coming up...
Auditions for The Ash Girl by Timberlake Wertenbaker Sunday 3rd October 11am at Mencap 21 Alexandra Road and Wednesday 6th October 7.30 pm at Progress Theatre
Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka 11th to 16th October 2010
Writefest 4th to 6th November 2010
Ajax by Sophocles 25th November to 4th December 2010