Progress Blog made it to the theatre for the first dress rehearsal of Breathing Corpses, unfortunately I got there at 9.15 and they had just finished. It is a short show leaving plenty of time for a drink and chat in the bar afterwards. For those interested there will be an opportunity to join a discussion with the cast and director in the auditorium after the show.
The rehearsal seemed to have gone well and director Carole Brown's comments were about minor tweaks and small problems with props. The main discussion was about the need for one of the actors to wear shorts under her short skirt to avoid showing more than intended on stage!
Thanks to Aidan Moran for these photos from the dress rehearsal - he managed to get there in time.
Another issue that always has to be sorted out at the dress rehearsal is the curtain call - where the actors come back on stage to take their bows. The director needs to work out how to get the actors from their final position into the curtain call. When should the lights come back on? What music should be used? It is also important to think about keeping in tune with the mood of the play. I once saw a professional production of Death and The Salesman where the actors came on laughing and clapping for the curtain call, completely undermined the sombre ending of the play.
If you'd like to have the opportunity to act on Progress Stage but are worried about the time involved in rehearsing a full length play then consider coming to the Writefest auditions on Sunday 12th September. Writefest is an evening of 7 new plays with plenty of different parts. It is a good opportunity to get involved if you don't have time to be in a full production.
If you are interested in what goes on at Progress Theatre then sign up to this blog. Enter your email in the box under ‘about us’ and click on subscribe. New postings are made weekly so you won’t be swamped with emails.
Coming up...
Breathing Corpses by Laura Wade 6th to 11th September 2010
Auditions for 5th Writefest, Sunday 12th September 2010, 2.30 pm Progress Theatre.
Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka 11th to 16th October 2010
See Progress Theatre website for details of all our productions and auditions.
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