Saturday, 10 September 2011

Proof press night

On Friday Progress Theatre held a press preview night for our latest production, Proof. The cast performed in front of a small invited audience including press, theatre members who had been involved with the production or who are away during the main run and, of course, Progress Blog.

The evening was run as if it were a normal production - including opening the bar. Producer Chris Moran explained that they had planned the rehearsal schedule from the start with the aim of being performance ready for the press night. They will still have a final dress rehearsal on Sunday night to give them a last chance to iron out any wrinkles.

Lauren Gilbert and Anna Bristow as sisters Clarie and Catherine

During the interval I chatted to Liz Crosthwaite, entertainments editor at the Reading Chronicle. She normally concentrates on music and this will be the first play she has reviewed for Progress. She seemed to be enjoying it but we'll have to wait and see what she says in her review.

I certainly enjoyed it and the rest of the audience seemed to be. There were even a few discretely wiped away tears at the end! The main run starts on Monday 12th and runs until the Saturday.

If you are interested in what goes on at Progress Theatre then sign up to this blog. Enter your email in the box under ‘about us’ and click on subscribe. New postings are made weekly so you won’t be swamped with emails. 

Coming up -

Proof  by David Auburn September 12th - 17th 2011

Auditions for WriteFest  Sunday 25th September or 2.30pm at Progress Theatre

Auditions for Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman Sunday 9th Oct 2.30pm or Wednesday 12th October 7.30

Blackbird by David Harrower 17th - 22nd October 2011

See Progress Theatre website for details of all our productions and auditions.

1 comment:

Alain Cooke said...

Saw Proof last night (Saturday 17th September) with my wife. We both thoroughly enjoyed it. Great atmosphere at the theatre and brilliant performances from all the cast. Can't wait until the next show!