Monday, 3 October 2011

Blackbird Rubbish

No this is not a prediction of the reviews! Part of the stage setting for this production is litter is scattered on the floor and this always presents a dilemma. You want it to look convincingly like the sort of wrappers and fast food containers people might drop, but on the other hand you don't want a load of smelly, unhygienic rubbish lying about.

Blackbird rehearsal - if you look carefully you can just see some rubbish in the bottom on the photo
The solution is to collect clean rubbish and to buy some foil take-away containers that can be crumpled up to look realistic but don't fill the theatre with the smell of old curry. If you are up at the theatre over the next week there is a box in the kitchen to collect any suitable litter you might have.

The set of Blackbird is designed to give the impression that the audience are in the same room as the actors. To enhance this feeling some litter scattered around the auditorium as well. This might be one production where you can get away with dropping your sweet papers on the floor.

If you are interested in what goes on at Progress Theatre then sign up to this blog. Enter your email in the box under ‘about us’ and click on subscribe. New postings are made weekly so you won’t be swamped with emails. 

Coming up -

Auditions for Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman Sunday 9th Oct 2.30pm or Wednesday 12th October 7.30

Blackbird by David Harrower 17th - 22nd October 2011

Auditions for Art by Yasmina Reza Wednesday 26th October 7.30pm or Sunday 30th October at 4pm

39 Steps by John Buchan, adapted by Patrick Barlow 17th-26th Nov 2011

See Progress Theatre website for details of all our productions and auditions.

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