Tuesday, 29 November 2011

WriteFest 2011

After the outstanding success of The 39 Steps we move on to our 6th annual WriteFest. This is an evening of short plays of between 5 and 20 minutes written by local writers. It is a popular evening and with eight plays there is bound to be something that appeals to you (and if one doesn't at least you know it won't last too long!)

With so many plays there is plenty of opportunities for actors, WriteFest often appeals to those who don't have the time to commit to a full length play with a longer run. It is also a good way for new members to get on the Progress stage and show everyone what they can do. I met two new members Libby and Shi at the set building session, busy making a giant wooden 'H'.

The 'H' is for the play Libby is in called The Letter H Girl which is set on the Hollywood sign. Shi is in two of the plays She's not there and Self-Service. Libby's Mum suggested that she audition for Writefest and Shi went along because she has recently moved back to Reading after being very involved in theatre groups at university and touring with a musical theatre production for schools.

Shi also has a part in Neverwhere where she plays a market trader proudly selling  "Rubbish! Junk! Debris! Nothing whole or undamaged!"

Coming up -

6th Annual WriteFest 8th - 10th December 2011

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman,  Adapted by Robert Kauzlaric 19th - 28th Jan 2012
(There has been a lot of interest in this production from Neil Gaiman fans, tickets are now on sale and selling fast so if you want to be sure of one then book soon.)

See Progress Theatre website for details of all our productions and auditions.

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