Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Lord of the Flies

Progress Youth Theatre are producing an innovative take on Lord of the Flies adapted by Nigel Williams from the William Golding novel. They are playing it with an all female cast. The play has been done before with girls playing boys but has never been done with all the genders switched. They had to get permission from the rights holders which took a while but was eventually granted.

Some of the cast rehearsing last Sunday

This production has given me a chance to clear some clutter from my house. A call went out for any donations of old school shirts and it was stressed that they should be ones not needed any more as they would not be returned. I managed to find about ten hanging in my children's cupboards that no longer fit them. For those of you who don't know, the play is set on a dessert island and follows a group of children who survive a plane crash and then have to live without adult supervision. There are about 15 girls in the cast and all need at least two, possibly three shirts each so that they can start of reasonably smart when they first arrive on the island and then get progressively dirtier as the play progresses. Producer Liz Carrol collected the shirts, rubbed them in dirt and then hung them on her washing line. What on earth did the neighbours think?

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Coming up -

Auditions for Reading Open Air 2012 Henry IV Part 1 Wednesday 7th March 7.30pm or Wednesday 14th March 7.30pm or Sunday 18th March 12pm at Progress Theatre

Auditions for Mine by Polly Teale, Sunday 11th March 2.30 or Tuesday 13th March 7.30pm at Progress Theatre

Progress Youth Theatre Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Monday 19th March to Saturday 24th March Progress Theatre

See Progress Theatre website for details of all our productions and auditions.

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