Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Mine backstage

I was backstage for the first night of Mine on Monday night. There was a general buzz of nervous energy and activity. People busy getting dressed, putting on make-up and, very considerately, going into the corridor to put on hairspray.

I asked about first night nerves and the main response seemed to be variations of  "I hate this bit I wish I could just go" and  "I hate standing in the wings". Deep breathing was suggested as a way of calming nerves and preparing to go on stage. I also asked if anyone had any superstitions that they always had to follow. No-one had any in particular but Evelyn said she likes to develop and stick to a routine so whatever she does on the first night she has to continue for the rest of the run.

Another first night tradition is cards and even flowers and presents from family and friends. As the only man in a cast of ten Peter gallantly brought a basket of fruit and a card "to the women of Mine from the man"

Most casts like to do a warm-up on stage before the audience comes in. Mine's warm-up included each member saying one of their lines which was then repeated by all the cast, a game of 'zip zap boing' and a final sports team style cheer.

All the preparations paid off and the first night was successful, all nerves forgotten as soon as they stepped on stage. 

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Coming up -

Mine by Polly Teale 11th - 16th June 2012, Progress Theatre

What’s Wrong With Angry? By Patrick Wilde, 2nd - 7th July 2012, Progress Theatre

Henry IV Part One by William Shakespeare, 12th  - 21st July 2012, Caversham Court Gardens

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