Monday, 3 June 2013

Renovating for Blithe Spirit

Blithe Spirit is set in the 1930s which gives plenty of opportunity for some fabulous period furniture and props The crew and wider theatre membership have been scouring charity shops and E-bay.


This sofa and matching chair had to be collected from London and were in very bad condition but are being given lots of TLC and will look perfect by the time the show starts.

I love this silver tea set. Found in a charity shop and polished up to look as good as new.

Perhaps the most impressive prop is the gramophone player. This is a reproduction made in India and it does play 78s but for the production has been adapted so that it can be used to play music on an i-pod through a tiny speaker that is then amplified by the tube. It can even be made to spin remotely by the 'ghost', and of course there is a genuine 78 record to complete the picture.

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Blithe Spirit by Noël Coward Monday 17th June - Saturday 22nd June 2013 7.45 Progress Theatre

Auditions for Moonlight and Magnolias by Ron Hutchinson Sunday June 23rd 2:30 or Tuesday June 25th 7:30, Progress Theatre

This year's outdoor Shakespeare Macbeth Thursday 18th to Saturday 27th July 2013 at 7.45pm, Caversham Court Gardens

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