Wednesday, 1 January 2014

The Wolves (and geese) of Willoughby Chase

The Wolves of Willoughby Chase is a story told by a group of children to each other. The set includes a range of toys mainly made by Kate, director Rik Ekes's wife. Normally when Rik is involved in a show his living room is full of bits of metal and wiring waiting to be made into special effects but this time it is full of fur, fluff and wool. Kate has mostly been busy making geese like the two beauties shown below.

In total she has made thirteen geese including some baby ones and yes she made the witch's broom too.

The production team also went on a buying spree to the Christmas Fair at Park United Reformed Church where we hold rehearsals when the theatre is full. They were on the search for pre-loved toys for the set. For a few pounds they managed to get all they needed including this one who definitely looks like she needs a new home.               

I was intrigued to hear about the 'brisket wig' although slightly disappointed to find out it refers to a character not a wig made out of beef. It is made with acrylic wool wrapped wet round a stick and then baked in the oven to make it curly. It was still being worked on but I hope next time I visit for an update I'll be able to get a photo.

The Wolves of Willoughby Chase runs from 16th to 25th January including matinees on both Saturdays. 

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The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, by Joan Aiken, adapted by Russ Tunney Thursday 16th January - Saturday 25th January 2014

Bold Girls by Rona Munro Monday 17th February – Saturday 22nd February 2014

Details of all our productions and auditions can be found on our website.

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